Our website uses SSL, does not store credit card details, and all payments are handled by a secure PCI compliant third party.

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How do we protect your information?

When you give us personal information by registering on the site, we use state of the art encryption technology. This means that your data is "scrambled" before it is sent to us, and is incredibly safe, as it can only be "unscrambled" by us once we've received it safely. The data you provide us with is stored in secure databases behind software known as "firewalls", and we employ strict security policies to make sure your data remains safe.

Who can see your information?

Only specifically authorised Finer Wines staff and our agents (for example, our website maintenance company) have access to your personal information. Their access is controlled by high security passwords.

At Finer Wines, we take your security seriously. If you have any questions regarding the above information, please do not hesitate to contact us. Purchasing products via the internet is one of the safest ways to place an order.  If for any reason you would prefer to place an order with Finer Wines via phone or email, this is absolutely fine. Please contact us at 07 549 3463 (Internationally at +64 7 549 3463), or email wine@finerwines.co.nz, and we will provide you with the service you require.

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